Camp Hope America & Pathways gives trauma-exposed youth a brighter future by allowing pathways to hope and healing. This is done through a hope-centered community of encouraging adult mentors, challenge-by choice activities throughout the year, and a summer sleep-away camp. We recognize that community is an essential part of healing from trauma; our hope is that Camp Hope & Pathways can be that community for young survivors and their parents.
Pathways to Hope
Pathways to Hope is the Rose Andom Center’s monthly group mentoring program for children ages 7-16. Each month, a special gathering allows children to connect with their Hope Coach (a trained, supportive adult mentor) while engaging in fun, challenge-by-choice activities with other peers.
Pathways has been shown to mitigate the impact of trauma, improve participants’ hope, self-regulation, self-esteem, emotional health & well-being, and increase interest in education.
Camp HOPE America – Colorado
Camp HOPE America is a summer sleep-away camp for children (ages 7-16). Campers are children who have experienced trauma due to violence and are participants of Pathways. Camp HOPE is a trauma-informed and evidence-based program. Using challenge-by-choice activities like yoga, rock climbing, horseback riding, arts & crafts, swimming or paddle boarding, campers will get to experience a summer camp while being surrounded by encouraging Hope Counselors and their peers.
To learn more about Camp HOPE and Pathways, email:

Camp HOPE & Pathways Definitions
The understanding that one’s experience of abuse or violence makes an impact on our lives, but we each process and heal and move forward in different ways. The trauma we’ve experienced does not define who we are or what we’re capable of. For staff and volunteers, practicing trauma-informed care means we allow our client or mentee’s experience of trauma to help inform how we support that individual. We recognize that our services are most effective when we’re partnering with clients and their families and adjusting services to meet their needs, all while working within and with the larger systems. We encourage survivors of trauma to realize their dreams, their immeasurable worth, and to identify pathways to work toward those dreams.
Participants always have the choice to engage in the activity or sit it out and spectate with a camp counselor or staff member. Challenge by choice allows campers to build self-awareness so they can decide whether they’re ready to participate in an activity or not. No matter the choice, they will be supported by staff and their fellow campers.
Each day at camp we discuss a real-life Hope Hero – someone who went through adverse experiences and hardships, and even so, pursued their own unique dreams. A Hope Hero does not allow their experience of trauma to define who they are or what they do with their life. If their dream is to become an artist, comedian, or educator, a Hope Hero finds the pathway, energy, and support to work towards that dream.
Each morning of camp we share a positive statement of truth that we can use and incorporate throughout the day, with the goal of bringing these truths home and into our daily lives.
Each camper receives an award for a positive character trait that is unique to that camper. These awards are decided and given by the camper’s Hope Counselor at the evening campfires.
These include fun summer camp adventures like swimming, hiking, mountain biking, paddle boarding, ropes course challenges and more! Monthly Pathways events allow us to continue these fun adventures and activities throughout the year as a community.
Camp HOPE and Pathways allow for a lot of opportunities to think and play creatively. At camp, each evening at the campfire we gather around and sing (or shout) our silly camp songs. Campers also get the opportunity to create skits they can perform in front of everyone. Pathways involves many events centered around art and creative thinking.
Another Camp HOPE activity involving small group discussions out of the Camp Hope booklet. Hook Activities help to reinforce the Hope Hero of the day and the truth statement of the day, and allow campers to get to know their cabin and counselors on a deeper level.
The belief that your future can be better than your past, and that you play a role in making that happen. With participants, we say “hope is believing in myself, believing in others, and believing in my dreams.”