
The Rose Andom Center accepts walk-in, in-person, and phone appointments during regular business hours from 9:00 am-5:00 pm Monday–Thursday and 9:00 am-12:00 pm on Fridays.

If you are in need of help outside of business hours, there are other local agencies that can help. If it is an emergency, please call 911. The following organizations are available when the Rose Andom Center is closed:

  • National Domestic Violence Hotline – 800-799-7233
    Trained advocates are available 24/7/365 to talk confidentially with anyone experiencing domestic violence, seeking resources or information, or questioning unhealthy aspects of their relationship.  Live Chat is also available here.
  • SafeHouse Denver – 303-318-9989 (24 hour/7 days a week, crisis and shelter line)
    SafeHouse Denver assists adults, children, and youth in reclaiming their right to a life free from domestic violence.
  • Make a report at your local police station. Click here to find the closest Denver Police Station.
  • Rocky Mountain Crisis Partners – 844-493-8255 (24 hour/7 days a week)
    Rocky Mountain Crisis Partners (RMCP) is a statewide, 24/7, year-round, community-based system of crisis intervention services from which people experiencing mental health and/or substance abuse crises can be assessed, safely and effectively stabilized, and efficiently linked to appropriate follow-up care and services.
  • Suicide Prevention Hotline – 800-273-8255 (24 hour/7 days a week)
    The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones. Live chat is available 24/7 here.
  • Denver Health Medical Center Main Campus – 303-436-4949
    777 Bannock Street, Denver, CO 80204

Shelter Resources

The Rose Andom Center is not a shelter but staff can help survivors connect with shelter resources with 24 hour/7 days a week crisis services. The following is a list of Denver Metro area shelters for survivors of domestic violence:

  • SafeHouse Denver, Denver, 303-318-9989 (Crisis Line)
    SafeHouse Denver offers bilingual, supportive services to women and children at a 30-bed emergency shelter, and a non-residential Counseling and Advocacy Center. They provide women and children with individual counseling, support groups, legal referral, safety planning, and other support necessary to become safer, more confident, and more self-sufficient.
  • Three Birds Alliance, Arapahoe County, 303-343-1851 (Crisis Line)
    The mission of Three Birds Alliance is to prevent and eliminate intimate partner violence through counseling, residential care and empowering people for social change. Three Birds Alliance has two emergency shelter facilities, one short-term shelter and one long-term shelter, safety planning, court advocacy, nonresidential counseling, and community resources. Pets are welcome.
  • The Crisis Center, Castle Rock, 303-688-8484
    The Crisis Center exists to end domestic violence through advocacy, education, and prevention, while helping communities live free of violence.
  • Safehouse Progressive Alliance for Nonviolence (SPAN), Boulder, 303-444-2424
    SPAN offers support and services that provide healing, hope, and opportunity to adults, youth, and children.
  • Safe Shelter of St. Vrain Valley, Longmont, 303-772-4422
    Safe Shelter is a comprehensive system of programs and services to address domestic violence for victims of any gender. They have a 24-hour crisis line and an emergency shelter and provide both individual group counseling and more.
  • Family Tree Roots of Courage, Jefferson County, 303-420-6752 
    The purpose of Family Tree Roots of Courage is to keep victims safe from domestic violence by providing a 24-hour crisis line, emergency residential facility, safety planning, advocacy, community resources, health care, and other supportive services.

Other Emergency Shelter Resources

  • The Delores Project, Denver, 303-534-5411
    The Delores Project provides safe, comfortable shelter and personalized services for unaccompanied women and transgender individuals experiencing homelessness.
  • Sacred Heart House of Denver, Denver, 303-296-6686 – Call Monday-Friday at 8:30am for availability
    The Sacred Heart House of Denver is a 30-day shelter for single women and single mothers only.
  • Samaritan House, Denver, 303-294-0241
    Samaritan House serves men, women, and children facing homelessness and helps them find a path to self-sufficiency.