
The Rose Andom Center provides a range of services to survivors of intimate partner violence, offering support in safety planning, advocacy, legal assistance, medical care, and counseling.

We are open Monday to Thursday from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm, and Friday from 8:30 am to 12:00 pm, and can be reached at (720) 337-4400 during business hours. While we are not a 24-hour service or emergency shelter, we connect clients with partner agencies that provide crisis services and shelter as needed. Our services are culturally and linguistically responsive, empowering survivors to make informed choices about their path to safety.

Survivors can access support for themselves and their children, including legal help with protection orders, medical care through Denver Health, and counseling to address trauma. No police report is necessary to access these services, and a Resource Advocate can assist with additional support options.

On-Site Community Partners 

Colorado Legal Services – Promoting equal access to justice for low-income people in the state of Colorado. 

Cultural Development & Wellness Center – Providing culturally appropriate behavioral health services through an integrated system of care. Services include assistance in applying for financial services, emergency housing, and victim compensation funds; crisis counseling; case management and social services; and legal and personal advocacy. 

Denver Children’s Advocacy Center – Breaking the cycle of abuse by providing prevention programs and response to domestic violence. 

Denver Health – Provides on-site health care services to domestic violence victims and their children. 

Healing from the Heart – Providing therapy for individuals, couples, and families. 

Latina SafeHouse – Latina SafeHouse works to provide bilingual and culturally sensitive services to Latina survivors of domestic violence and their families. 

Maria Droste Counseling Center – Provides specialized mental health services and counseling to survivors of trauma and abuse. 

Project PAVE – Empowers youth to end the cycle of relationship violence. 

Project Safeguard – Aiding victims through advocacy and assistance in navigating the court system while also striving to create social change for domestic violence victims. 

SafeHouse Denver – Serving victims of domestic violence and their children through both an emergency shelter and a non-residential Counseling and Advocacy Center. 

Salvation Army – Assisting families in transitioning into long-term and stable housing, short-term financial assistance, resources, and case management, while helping with financial literacy and support in achieving long-term goals. 

Servicios de la Raza – Providing and advocating for culturally responsive, essential human services and opportunities. 

The Blue Bench – Working to eliminate sexual assault and diminish the impact it has on individuals, their loved ones, and our community (formerly RAPP). 

Undestructable – At UNDESTRUCTABLE, healing, economic independence, and sustainability are at the core of all that we do. We are a community of survivors working with our hands, hearts, and minds for a future free from our harm-doers.

On-Site Government Partners 

Denver City Attorney’s Office – Prosecutes violations of City ordinances, including municipal domestic violence offenses. Victim assistance staff are available to meet with victims involved in City Attorney cases filed. 

Denver County Court Probation Victim Assistance – Victims have the right to be treated with fairness, dignity, and respect throughout the criminal justice process. Probation recognizes that victims of crimes have the right to be informed, present, and/or heard. 

Denver District Attorney’s Office – Prosecutes criminal violations of the Colorado state statutes that occur in the City and County of Denver. Their mission is to advocate for victims of crime and to protect the rights of the accused throughout the prosecutorial process. 

Denver Police Department Domestic Violence Investigation Unit – Provides specialized investigation for state charged domestic violence crimes. 

Denver Police Department Victim Assistance Unit – The Victim Assistance Unit (VAU) provides immediate intervention, support, information, referrals, and other assistance to victims of crime, witnesses and/or their families including incidents of non-criminal, stark misfortune. 

Off-Site Partners 

Colorado Coalition for the Homeless – Working to prevent homelessness and create lasting solutions for homelessness. 

Dress for Success – Empowers women to achieve economic independence by providing a network of support, professional attire, and the development tools to help women thrive in work and in life. 

Rocky Mountain Diaper Depot – A Colorado non-profit that raises awareness and provides diapers for agencies to directly share with struggling families. 

We Don’t Waste – Supports the community and the environment by reclaiming and redistributing quality food to those in need. 

Women With a Cause Foundation – Empowers and embraces women in need toward self-sufficiency through education and training.