GET LOUD! Together We Stand Stronger
It is a great pleasure to share that the Rose Andom Center’s VOICES Survivor Advocacy Network is putting on the GET LOUD! art exhibition honoring survivors of domestic violence and intimate partner violence. This inaugural art show recognizing Domestic Violence Awareness Month will feature art by survivors and in collaboration with art activists like the Women’s Caucus of the Arts Colorado Chapter (WCACO). GET LOUD! Together We Stand Stronger is intended to showcase the voices, stories, and healing journeys of survivors and those that lost their lives due to domestic violence. We lift our voices for those who cannot.
The exhibition will be available to view during select hours at the Rose Andom Center at 1330 Fox St, Denver, CO 80204, October 24 – November 30, 2024. The purpose of this exhibition is to continue to elevate the voices of survivors through art and written word. RSVP NOW:
Thank you for your interest in submitting artwork for The Rose Andom Center’s 2024 October art show, GET LOUD! Together We Stand Stronger.
Artwork submission here:

Paint a bird in honor of Coloradoans who have lost their lives due to domestic violence
Each bird will be part of the ‘Fly Free’ art installation at the Rose Andom Center in October during Domestic Violence Awareness Month. It is free to participate, and supplies will be provided. Join us to paint or decorate a bird to represent a life lost to intimate partner violence at the Rose Andom Center – 1330 Fox St. Denver, CO 80204
Saturday, June 29, 2024, from 10:00am – 12:00pm
Saturday, August 3, 2024, from 10:00am – 12:00pm