2024 YPC Share the Love Subscribe
February 25, 2020


Give Hope with the YPC!

Thank you so very much for you work and generosity around Give Hope. Given the events and advisories of the day regarding COVID-19 we have decided to cancel the event to ensure both your health and safety and that of people working in and visiting the Rose Andom Center. As with many other agencies in Colorado, we are closely monitoring the situation. Unfortunately, in the months to come, need for crisis support is very likely to rise while our community contends with managing the spread of COVID-19.


We do ask that if you were planning to contribute to Give Hope – please still do so. Your prudent generosity will bring much relief for Colorado families impacted by domestic violence. If you have gift cards, please consider dropping them off at the Rose Andom Center. You may also contribute to Give Hope by donating to the Rose Andom Center. While not recommended, if you choose to put gift cards in the mail, please consider the Priority Mail option.


We appreciate your understanding and continued support during this time. Please keep in touch and watch your inbox for more news from the Rose Andom Center.

When Angela* came to the Rose Andom Center with her four children, she didn’t know how she would feed them dinner that night.

When Shonda* pulled into the Rose Andom Center parking garage, her tank was on empty.  She was accepted into an emergency domestic violence shelter, but she couldn’t afford the gas to get there.

When Yasmin* fled her violent husband, he flushed her prescription anti-seizure medications down the toilet.  She was able to get a new prescription at the Rose Andom Center Health Clinic but couldn’t afford the $20 co-pay.

When you donate a gift card to the Rose Andom Center, you give hope to a survivor in need.  Sometimes $25 can make all the difference.  That’s groceries for Angela’s children, gas to get Shonda to shelter, life-saving medications for Yasmin.

*Names changed

The YPC is collecting gift cards from any store, with a preference for cards from grocery stores, gas stations, and pharmacies.  But don’t worry, we will also take any gift card you received over the holidays but don’t think you will use!  Any gift card that doesn’t fit clients’ needs can be traded for one that is more helpful.

At this event, you can learn about how the Rose Andom Center helps survivors of violence, how you can get involved with the Young Professionals Council or volunteer at the center, and how you can give hope to survivors who have fled violence with little but the clothes on their backs.

How you can GIVE HOPE:

BUY gift cards for gas, groceries, or pharmacies to donate at the event.  King Soopers, Safeway, and Walmart gift cards serve all of these needs.

BRING gift cards from any store in any denomination, and the YPC will trade them in for cards that are more helpful.

DONATE to the Rose Andom Center.